Frequently Asked Questions
Advantages and registration
How do I benefit from Experteer for recruiters?
Experteer is your partner for executive recruiting worldwide. Over 6 Million candidates have registered with Experteer already. Register now for free and benefit from the following:
For executive search firms and in-house recruiters:
Experteer Profile Database Experteer gives certified executive search consultants and in-house recruiters access to highly-qualified candidates looking for a new career challenge. For both groups - executive search consultants and in-house recruiters - Experteer developed two databases, independent from each other, allowing candidates to decide on having their profile visible, anonymous or locked.
- Use Experteer`s Premium recruiting solutions to target the leading professionals worldwide.
- The number of senior-level candidates is growing every day. These are both passive and active seekers - ideal prospects for filling the roles you are handling.
For search firms, in-house recruiters and recruitment ad agencies:
Post jobs Post your job and directly reach your target group:
- Present your job to an audience of highly-qualified professionals and executives.
- Receive applications from potential candidates who meet your requirements. Save time and effort in the selection process as a result.
Where can I register?
Experteer has two services:
Experteer for Candidates
, the professional career service for senior-level professionals who are looking for their next career challenge and want to network with recruiters confidentially.
Corporate recruiters and search professionals register on Experteer for Recruiters
What do the terms Executive search firm/Company at the top of the application mean? Which one should I select?
Do you work as a search professional or for an executive search firm, and have a recruiting mandate where you seek high-level candidates for roles you are handling? Then please select Executive search firm
. If you are responsible for the HR department of your company, then please select Company
Please choose Company
also when you work for a recruiting agency servicing a company.
How do I become a member of Experteer for Recruiters?
- Registration is free of charge, you can set up your personal and company profile at
- We will approve your registration and activate your account within a few hours. Following the successful activation or your account, you will receive a confirmation email.
- You can then log in with your username and password and use Experteer immediately.
I registered on Experteer Recruiting and my registration was rejected. Why?
Experteer may however, check the registrations on Experteer Recruiting and decide in individual cases if access to Experteer is granted or not. A number of factors play a role here: for example, the general accessibility to information about a recruiting firm over their website, the business model and information about employees and partners. As Experteer is solely intended for leading professionals, the quality of the open positions and of their job description plays a major role in the decision to authorise. No claim can be made against this selection process.
Membership & Data protection
I have forgotten my password? What can I do?
You can arrange for a new password to be sent to you at any time by clicking on the following link:
For security reasons you should change your new password as soon as possible in the membership area under My Account
Can the candidates see which search firms are registered with Experteer?
Candidates on Experteer have access to a directory of headhunters registered with Experteer, which you can see here . The directory offers you the opportunity to present yourself and your company to 6,000,000 leading professionals for free and to expand your coverage and publicity.
By going to My Profile
you can decide whether you wish to be anonymous or visible.
What about privacy? Is my data secure with Experteer?
Experteer is particularly concerned about keeping your data secure and protected. For further information on Experteer's privacy policy, please click here . Experteer will not pass on any personal data to third parties. The only exception is the publication of your candidate profile. However, you determine whether your company is to be shown or not. All data is always transmitted via a secure SSL link. This means that nobody can access your data while it is being transmitted to us.
Access to Candidate Search
What type of access to Candidate Search does Experteer offer to recruiters?
Access for search firms:
Search firms are offered two different types of access to the Candidate Search:
- Standard Access Executive search consultants can source senior-level professionals from more than 1,000,000 candidate profiles for free with the Standard access to Candidate Search.
- Premium-Access With access to Premium Candidate Search, executive search consultants can use all advanced search features to streamline this search more efficiently.
Access for Companies:
Premium Candidate Search is available to in-house recruiters:
With the Experteer's Premium Candidate Search, in-house recruiters gain direct access to a closed network of career-oriented professionals. In-house recruiters can therefore use all advanced search features to streamline this search even better and more efficiently.
Experteer Candidate Search | Standard (only Headhunters) | Premium |
Full-text search in candidate profiles | ||
Full-text search in candidates' career ambitions | ||
Precise search for expertise and keywords | ||
Saved search and automatic alerts | ||
Contact candidates (limited for standard) | ||
Access to all candidate profiles | ||
See the names of visible candidate profiles | ||
Name of previous employer | ||
Access to profile image | ||
Direct comparison of multiple candidate profiles | ||
Full-text search for target companies | ||
Full-text search for candidate name | ||
Access to candidates who viewed your open positions | ||
Suggestions of fitting candidates to your open positions | ||
Effective management of your short and long lists |
In addition, companies have the option of using the posting products Smart Solution
and Smart Solution +
to use Premium Candidate Search. For the duration of the job posting, in-house recruiters have access to the candidate database and they are able to search for matching candidates directly.
I am a registered member on Experteer Recruiting, and yet I don't have access to Candidate Search. Why?
The usage of Experteer Candidate Search is available to search firms and in-house recruiters only. Other registered parties are able to post jobs on Experteer, but have no access to the Candidate Search.
Which candidate profiles are search firms and in-house recruiters able to see on Experteer?
Search firms and in-house recruiters can only see those profiles that are made visible by the candidates. The candidates decide if they make their profile visible and to which recruiter group, if they want to stay anonymous, or if they set their profile as non-visible.
Have the candidates entered their profiles themselves?
Yes, all profiles that you can see in the database were entered by the respective candidates.
How much does the access to Premium Candidate Search cost?
To see the price list for Candidate Search, register here or and all one of our Business Partner Managers.
What are the notice periods?
You can cancel your membership at any time without having to adhere to notice periods. The same applies to your subscription to Premium Candidate Search, which you can also cancel at any time. You can continue to use the Premium access until the final date of your subscription and thereafter the Standard access.
Are the access costs for Premium Candidate Search tax-deductible?
If you decide to opt for Premium access, you will be sent an invoice automatically. You will then be able to declare the fee to the Inland Revenue and have it deducted from your taxes. For further details please contact your accountant.
Experteer Projects
What is Experteer Projects?
The tool for smart management of your talent pipeline. Structure potential candidates in project folders and build a reliable personal candidate pool.
How do I benefit from Experteer Projects?
With Experteer Projects you can manage your recruiting process in an efficient and straightforward way. Create an unlimited number of projects and link your projects to your current job postings. You then have the option to place suitable candidates in your project folders, assess them and assign process statuses such as ‘Candidate reviewed’ or ‘Candidate contacted’. Experteer Projects offers you a quick and easy way to contact suitable candidates and avoid "double-contacts" by documenting your contact history. You can also export candidate lists for your own use as a CSV file.
I am a registered member of Experteer Recruiting, why don't I have access to Experteer Projects?
Experteer Projects is included with Premium Candidate Search and is only available when you have subscribed to Premium Candidate Search.
Are there any additional costs associated with Experteer Projects?
No. If you already have Premium Candidate Search, Experteer Projects is automatically available.
Job Postings
Which jobs can I post on Experteer?
Experteer targets senior-level professionals. To ensure the quality of our service it is important that your posted jobs also meet the criteria of a minimum annual salary starting from € 60,000 ..
Only jobs for candidates with professional experience (no trainees) can be posted on Experteer. Also we do not accept freelance or interim roles.
How do job advertisements on Experteer differ?
Headhunters have three different job advertisements at their disposal on Experteer: Limited Posting, Expert Posting and Active Posting. You can find more information on the advantages of the individual postings at here .
For more information on job posting options and benefits for recruiters within companies, please click here .
Which details should be in my job posting?
In order to process your job description quickly, it is important that it contains the following information:
- An introductory paragraph that apart from the position it also describes the company, industry and location of the job.
- A detailed description about the job with further information on responsibility, goals and - if relevant - staff and leadership aspects
- Requirements of the candidates, including qualifications, professional experience and language skills
How can I view the job I have posted?
You can view the jobs you have posted at any time in the "Job posting" area. To view a specific job, simply click on the relevant title.
Which jobs would you like to see in your job overview?
You may post jobs directly on Experteer, or via our software partners (e.g., Meffert, hunter, Bitwerk), multi-posters (such as Broadbean) or simply import your own job feed. As soon as an imported job goes live, you will be able to see it in your job overview.
How do I see if the job description was imported?
In your job overview you may either filter by „imported / posted“, or you may notice the difference between the two categories due to the term imported
, which is displayed any time a job offer has been imported.
Why can't I manage the imported jobs in the same way I do with jobs posted on Experteer?
The specifications of your imported jobs must be set at each import-source and you cannot manage that directly on Experteer.
Which users may view my job?
As a headhunter you can opt to use the free Limited Posting service. Candidates registered with Experteer can view the jobs you have posted and apply for them. Basic users however, only have restricted access to the job database. This means if you opt for the Limited Posting you will not reach all the candidates on Experteer.
If you opt for the Expert Posting, you are guaranteed to reach all high-level candidates on Experteer and all candidates are able to apply.
With Active Postings and all job advertisement options for recruiters within companies, both Experteer candidates and users of Experteer Premium partners can view the job advertisement and apply.
Which format should my posting have?
Generally, you can copy your job postings directly from a document into the relevant form field. Should you encounter any problems, we recommend that you enter the posting in the form as plain text first, without any formatting and then format it using the tool provided.
Active Posting job advertisements and job advertisement options for recruiters within companies can be designed freely by uploading an individual HTML, XML or PDF template or alternatively referring to an external URL which links to the advertisement.
How would somebody apply who is interested in a job I have posted? Via Experteer or directly?
The application is submitted via Experteer but is forwarded to you directly. This way we can show you how often your jobs have been viewed and how many candidates have already applied in the overview of jobs you have posted.
Why do the job advertisements I have posted look different to those from other companies?
The presentation of jobs published on Experteer can vary in format. The job description can be published in a standardized layout or in an individual layout (HTML, XML, PDF upload or URL reference). The options available are directly related to the product purchased. Limited Postings always appear in the standardized layout on Experteer. Active Postings can be used for comprehensive employer branding using individual CI templates (HTML, XML, PDF). For headhunters, the option of individual CI templates applies to all job advertisements.
Experteer also lists jobs from company websites which fit the criteria for executives. This saves time for our members when searching on the Internet. We make these jobs accessible by posting a deep link to the website of the company with the open position. Experteer has no influence on how individual jobs are posted on the external company websites.
Can I delete or amend my job posting at any time?
Yes, you can deactivate, change or delete the job you have posted at any time.
Why do I have to specify a target salary for a job posting?
Experteer focuses on the job market of highly qualified professionals starting at € 60,000 desired salary. The service permanently selects the best positions from the open job market and as a virtual career delivery service
makes them accessible via search or matching email.
In order to satisfy this basic principle and offer an optimal service to our members, it is essential that you provide a salary benchmark. As a recruiter, when entering your open position you can decide yourself whether or not your salary benchmark is to be shown in the search.
Can I post my job anonymously?
Yes, when entering your or your client's job posting, you are given the opportunity to hide your client's company name.
How long will my job posting be advertised?
Recruitment companies:
When publishing a job, you have to define the time period that it should be online and available on Experteer. Expert Postings can be published for up to 60 days, with the additional option of choosing an unlimited time-frame. The Limited Posting option means that your job will be published for 30 days. After the desired time period has elapsed, the job will automatically expire. However, you can publish the job again at any time afterwards. A job that is posted as an Active Posting is valid for 30 days and then expires automatically.
For In-house Recruiters and Recruitment Advertising Agencies:
All job advertisement options for companies and recruitment agencies are valid for 30 days, after which they will expire automatically.
Why is the Standard Posting option only available for headhunters?
At Experteer, we offer different services for headhunters and recruiters within companies. The different user groups are offered different services by Experteer. The Limited Posting option is not available for companies.
Technical Information
What are the system requirements?
In order to optimally experience the Experteer service, you should use one of the following browsers:
- Microsoft Edge: current versions
- Firefox: current versions
- Chrome: current versions
- Safari: 5.1 and higher
Other standard browsers should work too, but they have not been verified by us.
It is also essential that JavaScript and cookies are activated in your browser settings. You can find these settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer under "Tools => Internet Options => Security => Default Level" or in Firefox under "Tools => Options => Privacy => Cookies" or "Tools => Options => Content".